"Containerize" individual functions in Rust with extrasafe

Extrasafe now has namespace support Today I released a new version of extrasafe which has support for using Linux's unprivileged namespaces feature to create browser-style content processes. Namespaces are perhaps more famously used in container runtimes, which is why I used them in my clickbait title, but the main inspiration …

Yet another E-Ink weather display - but with Rust!

I made one of those e-ink weather displays that you see on tech blogs and hacker news sometimes. It can display the current weather, the temperature and precipitation forecast for the rest of the week, and my current and upcoming tasks from Todoist. It's powered by a couple NiMH AA …

How to pair program like it's the 1980s (with GNU Screen)

How to use GNU Screen to pair program remotely.

How to format your entire codebase without introducing backdoors

When working on legacy code with many developers, it's pretty common for someone to suggest running a code formatter on the whole codebase. Even small code formatting changes often get called out in code review for making the code harder to review. Why don't we automatically format our code? The …

How to make daily backups with rdiff-backup and systemd

The other day I was talking to one of my friends and he mentioned how he lost a hard drive recently and consequently all of his stuff. I realized that, although I had bought a backup hard drive a little while ago, I hadn't done more than a couple backups …


So I'm reading the chapter "Signals and Systems" in PDIS, and since I took Professor Goodman's DSP course a lot of the material is familiar to me, but presented in a different way or context. It's very neat to see things presented in a slightly unfamiliar way and then realize …

Principles of Digital Image Synthesis

So one of the things I'm doing this summer is reading Principles of Digital Image Synthesis by Andrew Glassner. It's from 1995 which makes it almost 20 years old, but the fundamental mathematics don't change and it's quite comprehensive. I found it released freely here It starts with "The Human …